Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Packing the Didi Mini Transat Mk3

The export orders always go into a purpose made crate, the norm is using 16mm chipboard, cut to size to give just enough space to allow the plys and in this case the CNC shaped rudders to fit.

Due to the space such a crate takes, we had the plys loaded with the crate against the wall pending on collection day.

The rudders were laminated and CNC cut to shape so that the customer could do final shaping himself. The envelope is a Lucky Packet of odds and bobs we send with most kits.
Steel band strapped, our crated kits have shipped world wide like this for over a decade and allow
safe handling and when the customer receives his kit boat order it is in the same condition we sent it in.
The shipping lable was attatched later, this order will go to Dubai, UAE, country number 35 we have exported to I think.

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