Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Photo Historic Muskoka Paddle

Been out of commission for a while with an absolutely nasty flu that's kept me bed-ridden, feverish, nauseous and otherwise incapacitated since Christmas day...brutal way to spend the holidays but thankfully I've finally recovered on the last day of 2010. Want to wish all of the visitors and online friends to my site a very healthy and prosperous new year.

As a last post for the year, found this online exhibit of the Toronto Public Library with a photo dated 1890 showing off some paddles used in the Muskoka cottage region.

Judge Joseph Easton MacDougall and his family
proudly display their catch at their summer cottage

The lower leaning paddled has an interested scalloped mushroom grip that I've seen on a few paddle designs today.

Closeup of paddles

Wonder how many of these antique paddle gems are still in old boathouses and cottages today?

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