Saturday, April 15, 2017

Scalloped Grip Ebay Paddles

Another Ebay listing for a curious pair of paddles. Found at an estate sale in Maine, the seller believes they are from cedar as each is very lightweight (less than a pound).  They are just 53" long with 7" wide beavertail blades. The scalloped shape grips caught my attention...

53" decorated paddles

 Grip decoration

Wide blades with decoration

Don't know if the the seller has any other secret reason for the exorbitant price tag (currently at US $1,199.99). Maybe they got a whiff of the infamous eBay Poirier / Duluth Pack I posted on back in 2009 (then selling for $100 000 US). Apparently that seller has reduced the price down to $48 000...for one day only! 

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