Friday, October 21, 2016

A Perkins 4108 marine diesel for sale

August 2016, and update:

This engine has been sold, if I can source another Perkins 4108 diesel I may restore that one also.

I have posted this before but as the engine is very near complete I think some  pictures of the engine in its etch primer and a price is in order.

The etch primer has given away to some imported Hamerite pale green, which is a very close match to the engines original colour.

At this stage the Serck  heat exchanger has been removed to allow the underside of it and the mount bracket to be sprayed as well.

The CAV diesel filter has been removed so that paints can be applied behind it, also I think an unpainted filter is a better idea.

The engine when opened was found to be in fine condition, the timing gears show no signs of wear at all.

The crank journals are the same, zero wear and the same unmarked bearing shells were re used.

The reworked cylinder head looks like its has new valves and springs?

The price is R49,950 with a Vat invoice for those who are in South Africa, those outside South Africa can get a 14% discount. Or a total take away price of  U$2800 only for an export or visiting yacht.

New piston rings and a rear crank seal have been fitted.

The engine was basically stripped down to bare metal and then etch primed. It will be sprayed in the correct Perkins hammer finish pale green when complete. This is not just a rebuilt Perkins 4108 marine diesel but a restored one as well.

The capacity is 1760 cc or 108 cubic inches, the engine puts out 50 bhp .

Both the Motorola 63 amp, alternator and the Lucas starter motor have been tested at an auto electrical shop and  were seen to be working well.

The engine has been filled with Castrol 20W/50 motor oil and has been turned over to prime the engines oil pump and galleries, So we are ready to start the engine.

The engine can be viewed running or a short video of same can be supplied. It can be crated and shipped to most places at whatever the cost is.


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