Saturday, October 22, 2016

Kijiji Ad 1926 Canoe

As a fun distraction, I routinely search through Kijiji Ads for vintage canoes to pass the time. Yesterday, I came across an ad for a "1926 Canoe" where the owner is seeking an estimate of its value. Right away I knew that this canoe didn't date to 1926, not because I'm an expert at dating these things, but because the pic is my own boat that I acquired as part of trade last year. Here's the ad below...


...and a pic of my boat from this post. What I thought was a possible Chestnut Chum turned out to be a no-name canoe that appears to be similar to many Richardson's / Rilco watercraft dated to the late 1960s.

Anyway, I've sent a friendly email to the ad poster mentioning that he post pics of his actual canoe on the WCHA forums and the folks at the Canadian Canoe Museum. If it does in fact date to 1926 and was used in a successful Lake Ontario crossing, it might be an interesting historical piece despite the many refurbishments and addition of fiberglass to the hull. Guess I should be flattered that he used my image for his posting...

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