Friday, October 21, 2016

What is weighted cement

These questions come in from time to time.

Hello Roy,

Would you be able to tell me what weighted cement is? There is a semi complete Fortuna 37 with “weighted cement” in the keel. The current owner proudly announced this to me, but couldn’t tell me what that means ( and neither can Google).

Any experience/ideas?

Kind regards

The reply and answer follows:

Yes, my first Endurance 37 had the same filling, Caterpiller track pins laid in the keel box and cemented over with a mix of cement thin enough to settle around the pins.  I installed this myself, Barlows gave me the pins for free!
Its not standard cement by the way!
They would normally glass over the top?
The ballast CG rises by about 100% of the lead fill?
They should remove the weights and cemant and fit lead.

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